More Pinwheel Cards

Here are a couple more Pinwheel cards for you.  I just cannot stop making them!!  If you need to know how to make these, I have a video in THIS POST


This one uses the Cottage Wall DSP and Orchid Opulence and Rich Razzleberry card stocks.  I added a Celery Button from the Sherbet Designer Buttons with some Linen Thread.


This one uses the Kaleidoscope DSP and I have to say, I had a hard time with this paper.  I made several attempts at it and settled on this one.  I used Summer Sun and Regal Rose card stocks.  The center ofd the pinwheel is a Summer Sun Corduroy Button.

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2 thoughts on “More Pinwheel Cards”

  1. Barb
    I just love making these pinwheel cards since your video. I just did one about the same as your cottage wall one for my girlfriend’s 65 birthday on Monday. Also, I am doing them for a Christmas swap and I did the snowflake cuttlebug folder for the layer between the card and the pinwheel. Used the Merry Moments DS from the mini. Thanks again for the video!

  2. Barb,
    Thank you for sharing your pinwheel card, I absolutely love it. It is a very fun card to make! It is actually a little addicting. Does not take very long to have a pile of pinwheels to make cards with.I have made quite a few for Christmas.


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